The JACPR was founded in 2007 by a group of researchers, in order to establish and develop the research on cultural policy as a distinct domain or a discipline, with its own methodology. It is necessarily interdisciplinary, taking into consideration the historical, political, social and cultural specificities of the country(-ies)/region(s)/city(-ies) in question.

We gather some 400 members (as of September 2020), composed not only of those working and preparing to work in academia, but also of those working in cultural institutions and organizations. We wish to be a place for exchange and sharing of ideas and achievements in the field so that our cultural environment may be more fertile, both intellectually and practically.

We hold a congress and publish a review 『文化政策研究』 (Cultural Policy Research) both annually as well as a forum of young researchers and other events. Although most of our activities are conducted in the Japanese language, we regularly cooperate with like-minded organizations and individuals worldwide, such as a joint conference with Korean researchers (Busan, 2015) and ICCPR (notably Kyoto, 2020-21).

If you require further information, please contact us by an email jacpr_office[a]